Cave Crew Radio 2016 Episode 10 Gators and penatretors
Special guest: Matt Vanderpool the man of 1000 voices
Time: 03/16/2016 09:00 PM EDT Episode Notes: Well golly do we have a show for you. DK and Choo Choo Stu are in the house. Tonight we look back at the one year birthday since the creation of Choo. Listen in has DK explains his fear of Pillsbury biscuits. We interview Mary Thorn who owns a pet alligator, that is sensitive to the sun and dines at the table. We almost forgot to mention that the man of 1000 voices Matt Vanderpool joined the party. He gives his speech for the golden anus award. Then a new segment this week with Alex. Alex teaches food safety. More talk about good ole Finland and it wouldnt be a show if we did not address butt chugging. Cave Crew Radio is recorded live every Wednesday at 9pm eastern at available where ever good podcasts are free. Catch you on the flip flop.