Episode 20 Doo Doo Stu and the ripped out fireplace part 1
Special Guest Carla "McScuse Me"
Time: 05/25/2016 09:00 PM EDT
Episode Notes: Well DK is back from Florida and you just wont believe what he has walked into. Big B and Choo Choo Stu are also live in Studio. This week the crew dives in to the world of Bronies with special guest Erik the Swede. We explore and learn some shocking information about the underground world of My Little Pony. Avatars, dressing up and learning life lessons are all on board. With little time to spare next up is Carla (McScuse me bitch) with a live interview about her recent piece on transgender bathrooms. What is a polyamorous relationship, will you join the Bowel Movement of Solidarity? Also on board, DK has a dopple ganer, a popular radio host is coming out of the wood work. This episode left us all in such a state of confusion and with so many questions, we have decided to bring both guests back for a part 2. Oh lord save us now. Cave Crew Radio is sponsored by Unworked Apparel and we air every Wednesday at 9pm eastern on www.cavecrewradio.com For more information and to follow whats going on look for the Facebook group and add us on Twitter. Next week....the adventure continues.