Time: 10/26/2017 09:00 PM EDT
Episode Notes: Its Halloween! Its time to be scared like only we can do it. in our own hilarious way. Tonight DK is running behind schedule so Sir Big B and Choo Choo Stu are joined by, Elton Scarrarrow, Old Man Farrow, Dr Pong, and Skully Woodburger from the Deli on the Roof. Author of the horror novel Crone, Maria Mayer is our special guest co host. Not only does she tell us about the novel. Maria tells us stories about working in the morgue in Michigan.Kerosene and maggots, dead people with boners and does embalming fluid kill sperm? DK decides to make an appearance. We welcome Bill Lancaster from Cultured Bigfoot. Let the debate begin. DK, Maria, and Big B are ready for a debate. Watch the expert chased away. Topics include proof, is it real, is there a female Bigfoot, do they mate, and was that dude in Colorado really raped by a Sasquatch. After the fallout we continue the fun. Will Maria flash us on air? Did Choo Choo Stu have a costume? It was truly a monster mash! Cave Crew Radio airs live on www.cavecrewradio.com every Thursday at 9pm eastern. Season 4 continues next week. Hear you there!