Time: 06/22/2017 09:00 PM EDT
Episode Notes: Welcome back Cave Dwellers. The title says it all folks. Choo Choo Stu has had some spare time, him and a few of his bloaks have written a song about the Allotment. The boys discuss Fathers day and while Stu and Big B received presents,DK instead went to roller derby, and met some new friends. An old character has popped up on Twitter. We try to decipher it. Sir Big B summons Mama Kate to the court of Urine Stench Alley. Also, there is a new Ken doll, would you make a phone call while being chased by a bear, how much should you be ejaculating and the alarm clock in the wall. Cave Crew Radio airs live on Thursdays at 9pm eastern on www.cavecrewradio.com Be sure to check out our Facebook and Twitter . Search Cave Crew Radio