Time: 09/21/2017 09:00 PM EDT
Episode Notes: This week the boys are joined by the former serial dater. Erin Wotherspoon. She has a new video series she is releasing. Strange encounters from the internet. She gets people on Craigslist to come and do everyday things, and documents it on video. Big B is dealing with the UN meetings in New York and he is sick of his commute. Stu chimes in and tells stories of his journey on the bus. We are having some beers and having fun this week. Cave Crew Radio airs every Thursday live at 9pm eastern on www.cavecrewradio.com. Be sure to check out Erin's new show. Strange encounters from the internet at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSLJnX8OkKaTzZDdo-yPX0A Remember we were weird before weird was cool.