Special guest this week. The Big D, Darel Smith is back in the cave. Big B is on assignment so Big D drops by and hangs out in the cave with DK and Choo Choo Stu.
Big D has a story about a real weirdo he has encountered, and he has the voice messages to prove it. It appears that his mail is being sent to this nut cases house. But these are important documents and he needs to retrieve his mail.
DK learns a new game from a bunch of old Croatians. Their cutting down a tree with a steak knife, playing bocce and enjoying some adult beverages at the park.
Choo Choo Stu continues his fued at the allotment with Bobby. Last week Stu was on the defence by setting up a trap, but this week he is on the offensive. Also a fresh suprise delivery of the black stuff has arrived.
Speaking of the black stuff, DK tells a story of a woman in India, who was bitten by a snake and then buried alive in manure by a snake charmer.
Big D has a story about a guy and a chop stick, you wont believe where he sticks it!
This crimminal really leaves a print! We have a story about a guy that covers a security device in play dough.
Choo Choo is having some strange dreams, and our wives steal the bed.
Cave Crew Radio is live every Thursday at 9pm eastern on http://www.cavecrewradio.com
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Be sure to check out Darel on Smoke and Mirrors here http://www.parafiles.net/