We start the show with Big B renaming himself has the barbecue pit master of Queens, Immediately we get down to business with the story of Vicar Hackinam. Once this flops DK tells the story of the girl that dreamed that she swallowed her engagement ring. That leads to Choo Choo Stu telling the story of his terrestrial experience with his astral lover named Kenya, The boys pledge to dive deeper into this and to get a medium on the show.
Bring in Bridgett the Midget. She loses her mind and stabs Jeremy James in the leg. Next up Mike Jolitz reads the news, followed by a guy that swings nun-chucks while spraying bug spray. To top things off Big B's favorite host Alex makes a rape joke.
Cave Crew Radio airs live every Thursday at 8pm eastern 6pm pacific on http://www.cavecrewradio.com Facebook Live and Raw Talk online. We then syndicate on Radio Haver in Scotland and You Tube. Please go and join us on Facebook and Twitter search Cave Crew Radio. Next week almost a threesome in my musical Christmas socks.