Big B starts the show by having a Pina Colada. Explaining what else could 2020 deal New York city but Tropical Storm Faye. Choo Choo Stu has started a new treatment to try and gain back his smell after Covid. Smell Ability is the name of the program. We shall research it, check in with Stu and get back to everyone next week. On Sir Big B this is your life, DK introduces two more pictures and wonders why B always looks so irritated. It turns out both Big B and DK are very anti social people. Also this week Alabama students are throwing covid parties to see who can get infected. A Wyoming strip bar is open and they are wearing masks. A baker uses female urine from public toilets to make Goldilocks bread Cave Crew Radio is live every week. Starting next week our video broadcasts will be simulcasting live on Facebook, on our YouTube Channel Cave Crew TV and on our home page. Please join our social media channels just search Cave Crew Radio You can support us by buying our merchandise or donating to the beer fund at