Choo Choo Stu is away joining the French Foreign Legion so we bring back friend of the show, Brad Carter from Phone Losers of America and the Snow Plow Show.
This week here is what we have on tap.
Plastic McDonalds straws are selling for big bucks on EBay
A Florida man is hospitalized because he kissed a poisonous snake
We catch up on Brad's legal troubles.
We do a couple of prank calls this week. Looking for a happy ending at a message parlor and ringing the customer bell at Arbys.
We play two calls from the Snow Plow show about alternate universe and flushing a Christmas tree down the toilet.
Then how much do you know about Cinco de Mayo we find out with this weeks interactive trivia game.
Cave Crew Radio airs live every Thursday at 8pm eastern 5pm pacific on and in syndication on Radio Haver in Scotland and the Podcast Radio Network. We also broadcast the video stream live on Facebook Live.
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Next week.....Choo Choo Stu returns from France has he prepares to battle the gypsies at the allotment.