The Endless Summer Beach Party continues and this week we are going even more global then usual. This week Drew Carson is live in Studio from Scotland. We discuss several topics including.
Mind Garden on Amazon Prime
Radio Haver
The Drew Carson show
Orchid Grove Audio Drama
Then its on to the weird news. This week we have
Florida man throws feces at judge during trial, misses — and is acquitted
Police: Alleged Copper Thief Electrocutes Himself, Dies
Alabama Man On The Lam Insists He Didn't Give Meth To 'Attack Squirrel'
Cave Crew Radio airs live on Thursdays at 8pm eastern 6pm Pacific on and simulcasting on Raw Talk Online. We also broadcast our video feed on Facebook Live. Replays can be heard on Radio Haver in Scotland on Thursdays by replay.
Join our Facebook group and follow us on Twitter @CaveCrewRadio
Congratulations to Rosie and Mike Jolitz....your prizes are in the mail
Stay tuned for next weeks give aways!!